Feelings of loss and grief can be really strong when you lose something or someone. You might experience a range of emotions and wonder if the pain of your loss will ever fade. No one can tell you how to feel or how to grieve but it can help to talk about it and get support from the people who care about you.
The intensity of our grief, how long it lasts, and our reactions to it will differ from person to person. Some common reactions include:
feeling sad or down
frequent crying
shock, denial, numbness
stress, anxiety, confusion, exhaustion
anger, guilt, shame, blame or even relief
loneliness, isolation and withdrawal
feeling or acting differently to usual
physical health problems – headaches, changes in eating or sleeping patterns
difficulty concentrating
not enjoying usual activities and hobbies
tension or problems with personal relationships
increased alcohol, smoking or drug use
feeling hopeless or like you can’t go on – thoughts of suicide or self-harm
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