Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
The CGHS P&C is an active group who work to improve the facilities, equipment and programs available to our students. Voluntary financial contributions by parents along with money raised by fundraising activities and grants have been used to fund many items for the school such as air conditioning for all classrooms, a large covered outdoor learning area, AV equipment and stage for our new multipurpose centre, DSLR cameras, 3D printers, sewing machines, filtered chilled water stations, outdoor seating, musical instruments, computers, wellbeing programs along with numerous classroom resources. In 2023 the P&C purchased an industrial robot arm and gripper which will help our students develop their creative thinking and programming skills. We believe that Cheltenham Girls will be the first public school in NSW to have equipment such as this on site.
Parents play an important role at Cheltenham Girls and their input is greatly valued by the school and by the P&C. Here at Cheltenham, we like to share the volunteering load and request that each parent aim to do just one thing each year in your time at Cheltenham. This might mean a commitment of 1 hour in the entire year with the majority of the volunteering being outside of school hours.
You could …
- Help serve refreshments at a school event
- Help sort or sell donated uniforms for our second hand uniform service.
- Volunteer at a Gardening Working Bee or election BBQ / cake stall.
- Offer your specialist skills to the P&C eg photography, graphic art, events organisation, builder, handyman etc.
To get some information on how to help, please click HERE
P&C Meetings
All parents and carers are warmly invited to attend our regular P&C meetings which are held 7.30pm Mondays on Week 4 and Week 8 of term.
Our Principal Mrs Lawrence attends each meeting and provides us with an update on what is happening at the school and also addresses any questions or concerns raised by parents. Please check the newsletter to confirm the location of each meeting. Approximately half of the meetings in 2025 will be held online.
The P&C appreciates your feedback and suggestions and can be contacted by email at CheltenhamGirlsPandC@gmail.com
2025 CGHS P&C Meeting Schedule
Term 1
Monday 17th February 2025 (AGM) - in the MPC
Monday 17th March 2025
Term 2
Monday 19th May 2025
Monday 16th June 2025
Term 3
Monday 11th August 2025
Monday 8th September 2025
Term 4
Monday 3rd November 2025
Monday 1st December 2025