Society and Culture
Rationale (An excerpt from NESA Syllabus)
"The central goal of Society and Culture Stage 6 is the development of social and cultural literacy and a clear understanding of the interaction of persons, societies, cultures, environments and time. The influence of other aspects of societies and cultures – including power, authority, identity, gender, technologies and globalisation – is also central to the course.
Society and Culture draws on cross-disciplinary concepts and social research methods from anthropology; communication; cultural and media studies; philosophy; social psychology; and sociology.
Society and Culture has direct relevance to the immediate needs of students and to their future lives by enabling them to develop understanding of themselves, their own society and culture, the societies and cultures of others.
Students are provided with essential concepts, skills, competencies and knowledge to encourage a process of independent thinking that can be used to explain patterns of behaviour, solve problems, and engage in and actively contribute to all levels of society...
The study of Society and Culture prepares students for adult life by developing knowledge, understanding, skills and other qualities associated with effective citizenship at local, national, regional and global levels. In so doing, it forms a basis for moving towards a more just society through positive participation in community life and attaining social and cultural literacy".
Preliminary Society and Culture
- Core: Social and Cultural World.
- Depth Study 1: Personal and Social Identity.
- Depth Study 2: Intercultural Communication.
HSC Society and Culture
- Core: Social and Cultural Continuity and Change.
- Depth Study 1: Belief Systems and Ideologies.
- Depth Study 2: Social Inclusion and Exclusion.
- Major Project: The Personal Interest Project.